Section: New Results

Image Computing: Detection, Segmentation, Registration and Analysis

Symmetric Block-Matching Registration for the Distortion Correction of Echo-Planar Images

Participants : Renaud Hédouin, Olivier Commowick, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot.

We introduce a new approach to correct geometric and intensity distortion of Echo Planar Images (EPI) from images acquired with opposite phase encoding directions. A new symmetric block-matching registration algorithm has been developed for this purpose relying on new adapted transformations between blocks and a symmetric optimization scheme to ensure an opposite symmetric transformation. Our results show the ability of our algorithm to robustly recover EPI distortion while obtaining sharper results than the popular TOPUP algorithm [24] , [34] .

Quantitative analysis of T2/T2* relaxation time alteration

Participants : Benoit Combès, Anne Kerbrat, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

T2 and T2* relaxometric data becomes a standard tool for the quantitative assessment of brain tissues and of their changes along time or after the infusion of a contrast agent. Being able to detect significant changes of T2/T2* relaxation time is an important issue. Generally, such a task is performed by comparing the variability level in the regions of interest to the variability in the normal appearance white matter. However, in the case of T2 and T2* relaxometry, this solution is highly problematic. Indeed the level of noise in the normal appearance white matter is significanlty smaller than the level of noise in more intense region (e.g. MS lesions). Our aim is to provide a Bayesian analysis of T2/T2* relaxometry estimation and alteration. More specifically, we build posterior distributions for the relaxation time and the relaxation offset by elucidating the dedicated Jeffreys priors. Then the resulting posterior distributions can be evaluated using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain algorithm. Such an analysis has three main advantages over the classical estimation procedure. First it allows in a simple way to compute many estimators of the posterior including the mode, the mean, the variance and confidence intervals. Then, it allows to include prior information. Finally, becauce one can extract confidence interval from the posterior, testing properly whether the true relaxometry time is included within a certain range of value given a confidence level is simple.

MRI quantitative imaging: Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) quantification in Multiple Sclerosis

Participants : Olivier Commowick, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot.

Multi-echo T2 relaxometry is potentially a relevant imaging method for MWF quantification in the study of multiple sclerosis (MS). However, to ensure accurate estimation, a large number of echoes are still required that can drive to very long acquisitions. In practice, 32 echo times ranging from 10 ms to 320 ms and an echo spacing (ESP) of 10 ms are used1. Analysis of the decay curve of the consecutive echoes allows the estimation of the T2 spectrum. The proposed approach makes use of recent spatial regularization methods for MWF estimation from clinically compatible acquisitions (typically 11 echoes acquired within 6 minutes). The algorithms were evaluated on both synthetic and clinical data. This work was done during the internship of Lucas Soustelle [32] , [29] .

Classification of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions using Adaptive Dictionary Learning

Participants : Hrishikesh Deshpande, Pierre Maurel, Christian Barillot.

This work presents a sparse representation and an adaptive dictionary learning based method for automated classification of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) lesions in Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. Manual delineation of MS lesions is a time-consuming task, requiring neuroradiology experts to analyze huge volume of MR data. This, in addition to the high intra- and inter-observer variability necessitates the requirement of automated MS lesion classification methods. Among many image representation models and classification methods that can be used for such purpose, we investigate the use of sparse modeling. In the recent years, sparse representation has evolved as a tool in modeling data using a few basis elements of an over-complete dictionary and has found applications in many image processing tasks including classification. We propose a supervised classification approach by learning dictionaries specific to the lesions and individual healthy brain tissues, which include White Matter (WM), Gray Matter (GM) and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). The size of the dictionaries learned for each class plays a major role in data representation but it is an even more crucial element in the case of competitive classification. Our approach adapts the size of the dictionary for each class, depending on the complexity of the underlying data. The algorithm is validated using 52 multi-sequence MR images acquired from 13 MS patients. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in MS lesion classification.

This work has been published in the journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Elsevier, 2015 [15] . Part of this work is published as a conference paper in ISBI 2015 [22] .

Robust Detection of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions

Participants : Yogesh Karpate, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease with heterogeneous evolution among the patients. Quantitative analysis of longitudinal Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) provides a spatial analysis of the brain tissues which may lead to the discovery of biomarkers of disease evolution. Better understanding of the disease will lead to a better discovery of pathogenic mechanisms, allowing for patient-adapted therapeutic strategies. To characterize MS lesions, we have proposed two new approaches. The first one consists in a novel paradigm to detect white matter lesions based on a statistical framework [26] . It aims at studying the benefits of using multi-channel MRI to detect statistically significant differences between each individual MS patient and a database of control subjects. This framework consists in two components. First, intensity standardization is conducted to minimize the inter-subject intensity difference arising from variability of the acquisition process and different scanners. The intensity normalization maps parameters obtained using a robust Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) estimation not affected by the presence of MS lesions. The second part studies the comparison of multi-channel MRI of MS patients with respect to an atlas built from the control subjects, thereby allowing us to look for differences in normal appearing white matter, in and around the lesions of each patient. Experimental results demonstrate that our technique accurately detects significant differences in lesions consequently improving the results of MS lesion detection.

Then we have presented an automatic algorithm for the detection of multiple sclerosis lesions (MSL) from multi-sequence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [25] . We built a probabilistic classifier that can recognize MSL as a novel class, trained only on Normal Appearing Brain Tissues (NABT). Patch based intensity information of MRI images is used to train a classifier at the voxel level. The classifier is in turn used to compute a probability characterizing the likelihood of each voxel to be a lesion. This probability is then used to identify a lesion voxel based on simple Otsu thresholding. The proposed framework was evaluated on 16 patients and our analysis reveals that our approach is well suited for MSL detection and outperforms other benchmark approaches.